Get started
Access to a Project
Content of this article Find a project Request project access Unsubscribe a project Find a project Purpos...
Create a project
Article content Create a project Purpose To create a project. Background With a project all documents and fil...
Introduction to Projectweb
Content of this article Project in the construction process The buildup of a project Filehandling Project...
Guide for the ICT manager
Article content Assignments of project rights Structuring of a project Assignment of rights As an ICT-leade...
Guide for the Client
Article content How do you secure the documentation How do you secure the documentation As Client you can hav...
Guide for Consultants during the Design phase
Article content File management and communication (Step 1) Phase shift (Step 2) File management and communi...
File handling
Preview 3D models (features, navigation & federation)
When you click the "Preview" function on a model file in a project, the integrated viewer opens, where you have many ...
RIB Project plugin for Revit
The content of this article Download plugin Upload drawings from Revit Upload a model from Revit Open a dr...
A files journey within a project
The content of this article Upload files Download files Publish files to the Publication space Distribute...
File editing
Content of this article Edit a file with Quick Edit Lock and unlock files Compare file versions Search for...
Preview & Annotations
When you click the "Preview" function on a file in a project, the integrated viewer opens, where you have many featur...
Edit metadata/fileinformation
The content of this article Edit metadata Transfer metadata from excel sheets Edit metadata Purpose Edit m...
Project rights
Content of this article Add a user Assign user rights Folder rights for the Workspace (groups) Notification...
Log, backup & ICDD export
Content of this article System information History and log Backup Archive and Vault ICDD export System...
Approval procedure
Content of this article Create an approval procedure Approve or reject files Create an approval procedure P...
Design review process of documents and drawings
Content of this article Send documents for a design review Administrate review participants and design review a...
Coordinator in the Distribution space
Content of this article Assign coordination rights (Administrator) Set up coordinator list (Administrator) As...