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Project in the construction process
To get knowledge of why a project is used in a construction case.
With a project, all the documents and files of the construction case are located in one place. This makes it possible to control and coordinate the exchange of files. A project can be adapted to fit all construction cases, and the application supports the whole construction process. With a detailed configuration of user rights its possible to secure that every user has access to the material that is relevant to them.
After the building/construction is finished the whole construction case will be located in the project, structured and with content of its history.
The buildup of a Project
To get knowledge on how a project is structured.
A project consists of modules, that can be activated with user rights. The users that administrates the project has the role of project administrator and has access to the module Project administration where user rights are set up. Its often the IKT-leader that is the administrator.
The modules Work Space, Publication Space and Distribution Space are used for file handling, where files are organized in folders and lists.
The Work Space is primarily the Advisor's area in the Design Phase, which is used for communication of files between the Advisors and Owners.
The Publication Space is used in the construction phase for the exchange of files between Advisors and Owners.
The Distribution Space is used for transmitting files to the Trade Contractor, which is administrated by the Construction Manager.
All actions will be saved in the History module.
The projectweb is divided into 4 sections. When you have to navigate through a project, you should start with choosing a module down in the left corner of the project (section 1 on the screenshot). Thereafter you are to choose a menu or folder in the sidemenu (section 2 on the screenshot). Depending which menu or folder you have chosen in the sidemenu, the content of it will show in the overview (section 3 on the screenshot). If you have chosen files or folders, you will be able to see metadata and information in the metadata menu (section 4 on the screenshot).
To get knowledge on how files can be handled in a project.
Files are found in the modules Work Space, Publication Space and Distribution Space.
In the Work Space all files are uploaded, especially in the Design Phase.
In the Publication Space all existing files are located when the construction case is in the construction phase.
The Distribution Space is used to distribute the existing files to the Trade Contractor.
File versioning is one of the basic principals in a project. File versioning means that new editions of a file will be laid on top of the existing editions of the same file. All earlier versions will be available, but the newest uploaded version will be the easiest to access.
Files are recognized on their filename and information which informs the users about content, status, revision etc. This makes it easier to search the files.
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